Voucher Policy


Discount Lift Ticket (voucher) Policy

High Life Ski Club, Inc. (HLSC) is a participant in the New Jersey Ski & Snowboard Council  Membership Privileges Program. HLSC offers vouchers which are used to purchase discount lift tickets at various participating ski resorts. The sale of lift ticket vouchers is a privilege and not a right that is extended by the New Jersey Ski & Snowboard Council to its member clubs. Guidelines established by the NJ Ski & Snowboard Council for lift ticket vouchers must be respected and adhered to by ski clubs and their members.


You must be a paid-up member of HLSC to be eligible to purchase discount vouchers and redeem them for actual lift tickets at participating ski resorts. You may be required to show your HLSC membership card (with NJ Ski Club Council sticker attached) as well as a photo ID by a ski resort when presenting a voucher in exchange for a lift ticket. Carry your membership card with you.


a.     The New Jersey Ski & Snowboard Council voucher program is handled by the New Jersey Ski & Snowboard Council representative of HLSC and/or an alternate if that person is absent.

b.    Orders for vouchers can be placed at general meetings of HLSC by filling out a Voucher order form and handing it in with your payment. Checks are preferred but vouchers can also be purchased with cash. Make checks payable to High Life Ski Club, Inc.

c.      Vouchers can be ordered by mail, order forms are available at meetings and on our website. Send completed order form, self addressed stamped envelope and check to the New Jersey Ski and Snowboard Council representative whose address and other contact information is on the voucher order form.

d.    Delivery of vouchers is based upon availability through the NJ Ski & Snowboard Council.


a.     Previously ordered vouchers can be picked up at a Tues. meeting of HLSC or can be mailed to you. If you want them mailed, make arrangements as above when you order them.

b.    When picking-up vouchers, all HLSC members will be required to provide their membership card and sign a receipt. The receipt serves as proof that the member received the vouchers they ordered from the club representative.






The discount voucher program is a courtesy of the ski resorts who DO NOT like to take back unused vouchers at the end of the season. The resorts, NJ Ski & Snowboard Council and HLSC expect that you will use all vouchers you ordered. HLSC members are limited to purchasing ten (10) vouchers per month during the ski season.This is intended to discourage over-ordering and subsequent return of unused vouchers.



Misuse of discounted vouchers made available to you as a member of HLSC may be cause for suspension and termination of your HLSC membership. Discounted vouchers can be sold to members of HLSC or other ski clubs affiliated with the NJ Ski & Snowboard Council. Vouchers are not to be sold to the general public. If you are caught doing this, charges could be brought against you by the participating ski resort whose voucher you sold, should they choose to pursue this path.



At the end of the ski season, unused vouchers can be turned in for upgrade to the following year to the HLSC voucher rep. no later than the FIRST meeting in April to be eligible. If you turn in vouchers after this date, they will NOT be eligible for upgrade - your money will be LOST.The total numbers of vouchers that can be returned are limited to a percentage (determined by each resort). We cannot return ALL vouchers sold, so please make every effort to use them. Turn in unused vouchers on time –first come first served.